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NICE MedTech Innovation Briefing released - Reichert ORA G3 & Corneal Hysteresis

We are pleased to announce the NICE MedTech Innovation Briefing on the use of the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer G3 to measure Corneal Hysteresis

The MIB reports that the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) G3, can be used to measure Corneal Hysteresis (CH), shown to be a significant risk factor for glaucoma development and progression. The briefing notes that the ORA G3 is currently the only device capable of measuring Corneal Hysteresis and unlike other tests, it does not require contact with the eye, specialist training or the use of eye drops. The device’s intended place in therapy is to diagnose and manage suspected glaucoma or to monitor established glaucoma. The ORA G3 would be used in addition to standard care, specifically ophthalmic tests including Goldmann applanation tonometry.

Grafton Optical CEO David Thickens commented “We are delighted that the Reichert Corneal Hysteresis technology and IOP/cc measurement have been assessed by NICE and that the MedTech Innovation Briefing has now been published. We have seen unprecedented demand for this fast, accurate method of measurement, especially within a virtual clinic setting. We are now seeing clinicians incorporate this technology in their clinics to maximise space, time and cost savings for the NHS.” Click here to read more about NICE’s findings.

For more information or to arrange a demonstration, please email or call us on 01923 233980 and we will be happy to help.

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