Announcing our lucky Tono-Vera® Tonometer & QuickSee Free Autorefractor winners!Mar 7, 2024Thank you to everyone who joined us for a Tono-Vera or a QuickSee Free demonstration at 100% Optical. If you would like to request a quote or a demonstration for either of these devices, please use the links below.Tono-Vera Handheld Tonometer from Reichert QuickSee Free Handheld Autorefractor from PlenOptika
Thank you to everyone who joined us for a Tono-Vera or a QuickSee Free demonstration at 100% Optical. If you would like to request a quote or a demonstration for either of these devices, please use the links below.Tono-Vera Handheld Tonometer from Reichert QuickSee Free Handheld Autorefractor from PlenOptika
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