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Request a demonstration or quote for Tono-Vera Tonometer
The all-new Reichert Tono-Vera
Tonometer features the advanced ActiView™ Positioning System, your guided view to precise IOP measurements.
ActiView™ Positioning System quickly guides you to the apex of the cornea. Using gentle rebound tonometer technology and eliminating the need for topical anesthetic, Tono-Vera automatically measures when aligned. Tono-Vera provides more objective and repeatable results giving you confidence in your intraocular pressure (IOP) readings.
"Notably, Tono-Vera Tonometer is the only handheld tonometer that incorporates an interactive camera positioning system, ActiView™, which offers a full colour view of the eye with intuitive alignment prompts that quickly guide the user to the apex of the cornea and automatically measure upon proper positioning.
This feature is particularly important because tissue properties differ from the centre to the periphery of the cornea. These property differences impact the accuracy of the measured IOP."
Trusted IOP – Under Pressure - Tono-Vera, The Ophthalmologist, 11 Dec 2021.
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