Available in the UK though Grafton Optical, the I-PEN® measures tear osmolarity by using electric impedance measurements. The study confirms that the I-PEN®, when used with an adaptor for in vitro measurements, provides accurate, precise, and reproducible results. The device allows clinicians to perform osmolarity measurements in a rapid manner, with readings obtained in less than 4 seconds. There is no requirement for calibration because the device is auto-calibrated with each use, and there is no requirement for sample transport, thus avoiding the inherent temperature effects associated with other devices on the market.
Grafton Optical CEO David Thickens commented “This study has shown that the handheld I-PEN Tear Film Osmolarity System is accurate, repeatable and results can be obtained in a few seconds, without the disadvantages of other measurement methods. Tear film osmolarity is one of the most important markers for dry eye as specified by the TFOS DEWSII report.” Read the study in full here.
For more information or to arrange a demonstration, please email sales@graftonoptical.com or call us on 01923 233980 and we will be happy to help.